get involved...

We believe that an important aspect of being part of a local church is feeling part of the church family and actively joining in and adding your gift. No matter your age or experience there's a team for you!!  Have a look at the opportunities below to serve in either the church or in one of our community events.... it might be once a week, fortnightly, monthly - we have many amazing ways in which you can be part of KFSW.  

Audio Visual team
Behind the scenes at nearly every meeting our AV team provide the sound and projection - enabling everyone in the room to hear and be part.
Buildings team
The buildings team keep Crescent House looking its best and make sure it's open and ready for all our events.

Serving our community is a key part of who we are as a church. Baby Bank and Startright are brilliant ways of making a difference and serving the community.

First Aid
It's very rarely needed, but on the occasion that it is our First Aiders are ready to help.

Graphics & Design
Usually using tech and with an eye for details - create visual images and designs that communicate LIFE.

Greeting, hosting and serving at events (when we can)!

Lift Stewards
Facilitating anyone who needs help accessing the top floor at Crescent House.

Maintaining our excellent building can create quite a list of jobs.  If you have skills/expertise in DIY/handyman roles, we would love to hear from you.

Media & Streaming
Another tech-related role that enables what happens in our meetings to reach a wider audience online.

Little Builders - 0-3s
Superkids - 4-9s 
Elevate - 10-15s

KFSW Sunday children's ministries - and our teams are passionate about seeing our kids really know Jesus, meet with Him and do life with Him.

Welcome & Join Us
We all know what a difference a 'welcome' makes - and we love to make that difference to people coming to Crescent House.

For singers and musicians with a heart for meeting with God, who pursue His presence and love His church.

Ready to get involved and serve the church?  Then we would love to hear from you:



Email Address:


Telephone / Mobile:


I'm interested in helping with (you can tick more than one):

Church Life
 Audio Visual team (inc projection & sound)
 Buildings team (inc maintenance)
 First Aid
 Graphics & Design
 Lift stewards
 Media & Streaming
 Welcome team

Sunday's Children's Ministries
 Little Builders (1-3)
 Superkids (4-9)
 Elevate (10-15)

Community (mid week)
 Baby Bank (Tuesdays)
 Startright (Wednesdays)

Please tell us about yourself and why you feel you'd fit in the team(s) selected:

How often can you help?
 Once a month
 Other (please specify)


Thank you so much, we will be in touch!

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit


If you're planning a Sunday visit to KFSW Church we look forward to welcoming you..... and our visitors information page will give you the info you need before your visit so that you really enjoy your time with us!
Currently, we're not serving refreshments after the service, but members of our welcome team will be around to chat with you before and after - to pray, answer queries, and just get to know you!
We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at KFSW!