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Pastor Andrea Aspinall
Paul's prayer for the Ephesians is still as powerful today as it was when he wrote it - he knew how to receive God's strength in some of most adverse circumstances anyone could face. This life-giving message highlights that true joy and strength come from the Lord, and encourages us to rely on God's power to overcome challenges and live victoriously..... 'strengthened and reinforced with mighty power' (Eph 3:16 AMPC) for the life God has planned for us!!
Daily strength
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MP3 Audio 30.5MB (44:22)
Pastor Judith Butler
Although the concept of honouring God and honouring people is mostly counter-culture to the world around us - it is a Kingdom 'key' we must understand and apply. Hear how choosing 'honour' will bring blessings and breakthroughs so that life may go well with you!
That it may go well with you.....
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MP3 Audio 35.3MB (51:27)
Pastor Andrea Aspinall
God has a specific vision and purpose for our lives .... for us to receive from Him so we can reveal Him to the world! But HOW? Tune in to receive grace and practical wisdom from Pastor Andrea so that there is an increase of God's power in and through your life!
God's thoughts - God's power!
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MP3 Audio 33.7MB (49:05)
Pastor Judith Butler
We're all sowing something .... all the time.... and according to scripture we WILL reap what we sow. To get the best out of life - and God wants that for us - we need some understanding of what it is we're sowing and this message is all about exactly that! We pray you'll be so blessed and envisioned as you listen!
Getting the best out of life
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MP3 Audio 33.1MB (48:13)
Pastor Judith Butler
Fear has cousins - anxiety, dread,, intimidation, panic attacks….. and this message contains the ways to win!
Deal with fear (and all its cousins)!
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MP3 Audio 33.2MB (48:23)
Pastor Clive Urquhart
Prayer changes things and the Lords church is called to be a house of prayer. Pastor Clive Urquhart brings a word on the importance of visionary prayer in this season.
Visionary Prayer
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MP3 Audio 47.6MB (59:27)
Pastor Judith Butler
This message from Pastor Judith Butler encapsulates the very core of our Christian faith and the 'why' for our expectation of 'blessing and breakthrough'! Guilt and condemnation are dealt a death-blow, and the joy and peace that come from faith are released!
The foundation of all blessing
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MP3 Audio 32.3MB (46:59)
Pastor Judith Butler
There is a spotlight on this message - our WORD for the year - as it shapes our view of the days ahead. We believe it will be so significant for seeing the manifestation of God's Kingdom blessings and breakthroughs in 2025 for us all!
2025 Blessing and Breakthrough of obedience
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MP3 Audio 33.5MB (48:45)
Pastor Andrea Aspinall
The most important 'hat' you'll wear in your life is to be a genuine follower of Jesus Christ - and this message will help and envision you for doing just that!
A Christ follower
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MP3 Audio 34.3MB (49:55)
Pastor Judith Butler
We’re starting the year from the words of Psalm 27v8 : “You have said ‘seek My face’ - my heart says to You ‘Your face Lord, I will seek’” - and our own responses to this invitation from the Lord. The Lord draws near to those who draw near to Him - He goes where He is wanted. As a church we say : “Your face Lord, we will seek!”
Seek His face
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MP3 Audio 31.5MB (45:50)
Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit


If you're planning a Sunday visit to KFSW Church we look forward to welcoming you..... and our visitors information page will give you the info you need before your visit so that you really enjoy your time with us!
Currently, we're not serving refreshments after the service, but members of our welcome team will be around to chat with you before and after - to pray, answer queries, and just get to know you!
We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at KFSW!