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Pastor Judith Butler
There must have been a bit of a back story to Peter's question to Jesus in Matthew 18 : how many times must I forgive? Jesus told a wonderful parable to reveal what was necessary and why. This message by Pastor Judith Butler is an MOT for the heart - and helps us live in the victory of the cross in our relationship with God AND with people!
Let go of the debt
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MP3 Audio 25.2MB (55:09)
Pastor Dave Shippam
We welcome and honour Pastor Dave as he uses the Scriptures to help reveal the Father-heart of God to us. Being secure and complete in the Father's love comes from a personal revelation of the love He has for you as His child - a love which is unchanging, powerful and so deep - and totally reliable.
Secure and complete
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MP3 Audio 132.3MB (57:49)
Pastor Andrea Aspinall
Jesus came to give us His overflowing life - where we're filled full of Him and there's no space left empty! Let this word paint a fresh vision of the life God has made possible for you - FULL OF HIM..... it's a life beyond ordinary!
Life beyond ordinary
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MP3 Audio 21.1MB (46:05)
Pastor Judith Butler
We can all get into the comparison trap - either comparing ourselves with others, or standards we’ve set in our own minds. The problem is - using our own standards or those of others gets us into all kinds of problems, not least missing out on what GOD says and sees about us… and therefore missing our high calling! For the sake of the call of God on your life, tune in to listen to this anointed message from Pastor Judith Butler…. You’ll be so encouraged for what lies ahead.
The DIVINE measures.mp3
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MP3 Audio 110.9MB (48:28)
Pastor Andy Elmes
Our guest speaker, Pastor Andy Elmes, brings fresh revelation from the Word of God to living life as a thief ...or a fisherman! One received salvation on the cross as he died, the other experienced salvation, adventure and transformation in daily life with Jesus. Don't live missing out!
Thief v fisherman
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MP3 Audio 137.2MB (59:58)
Pastor Andy Elmes
We're on earth for the purposes of God in our generation - it's our turn! Each one of us has a call and an anointing that comes with the favour of God. Tune in to hear wisdom from Pastor Andy Elmes so that you can fulfil what God has placed you on earth to do - and so that we, as KFSW, accomplish His plans for us as a body.
Called Anointed Favoured
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MP3 Audio 54.8MB (1:35:49)
  • Downloads: 92
  • Recorded: 11/05/2024
  • Length: 1 hour 35 minutes
  • Reference: Isaiah 61
Pastor Andrea Aspinall
Our minds think about so much in the course of a day - how many of those thoughts do us good and how many steal and rob us of hope. Gods Word is a vital tool to keep us armoured up against the enemys schemes, who seeks to rob us of a hope and a future. Pastor Andrea shares an important message about keeping the truth of Gods Word in us so we are not deceived.
What are you thinking about?
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MP3 Audio 93.5MB (40:52)
Pastor Judith Butler
It can be frustrating when you know the will of God in your head but it's just NOT working out in life as it should! Sometimes we need to just 'do it different'!! Tune in to this message by Pastor Judith Butler to find out how and why!
Do it different
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MP3 Audio 97.5MB (42:35)
Pastor Andrea Aspinall
God wants us to live continually in a state of internal rest and peace however we can often find ourselves agitated or worried in the circumstances we are in. Join us to hear how we can identify if - and why - we are living in unrest (lack of peace), how to deal with this, and then enter into God's rest through faith.
The rest of faith
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MP3 Audio 114.7MB (50:08)
Pastor Judith Butler
Do your emotions ever run away with you? Do negative thoughts cloud your mood or impact your experience in life? In this message you will hear how to master your emotions so that you experience ALL that Jesus wanted you to: 'to have and enjoy life; and have it in abundance - till it overflows' (John 10:10).
HELP I feel bad
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MP3 Audio 108.6MB (47:26)
Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit


If you're planning a Sunday visit to KFSW Church we look forward to welcoming you..... and our visitors information page will give you the info you need before your visit so that you really enjoy your time with us!
Currently, we're not serving refreshments after the service, but members of our welcome team will be around to chat with you before and after - to pray, answer queries, and just get to know you!
We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at KFSW!